Acorn Blog Archive
Private Hire Drivers: Our Top 5 Cars for Taxi Drivers
Did you know that government guidelines state you must not drive for more than 10 hours a day as a UK private taxi driver? With so much time spent on the road, it’s…
Home Insurance: Your Summer Safeguard
As the summer sun brightens our days, it’s crucial not to overlook the safety of your most significant investment: your home. This comprehensive guide from Acorn Insurance will explore practical...
Beat The Heat: A Guide To Essential Summer Vehicle Maintenance
Here in the UK, we can wait a long time for summer to arrive. So it comes as no surprise, that when the good weather hits, as a nation, we take to the roads. Summers arrival promises better weather,...
The Power of Telematics: How Smart Technology Is Revolutionising Insurance
Are you interested in telematics insurance, also widely referred to as 'blackbox insurance'? Did you know that more than half of UK drivers are considering telematic insurance? Telematics insurance,...
Transforming the Taxi Industry: Taxi Insurance and the Future of Self-Driving Cars
The advent of self-driving cars is poised to revolutionise how we travel, offering a new level of convenience and safety. However, as these autonomous vehicles become more prevalent, the taxi...
Should Blue Collar Workers Have Specialist Insurance
What is a blue collar worker? A blue collar worker can be defined as a person in the workforce who may carry out more practical work, such as manual labour. Often these workers are compensated by...
What to do in a Car Accident: 5 Essential Steps
Accidents happen. Do you know the 5 steps to take in a car accident? With over 40 years of experience looking after drivers like you, Acorn Insurance will be by your side in the event of an accident...
Cheap Car Insurance Top 10 Tips to Lower the Cost
Cheap Car Insurance: Top Ten Tips To Potentially Lower Your Premium Cheap car insurance is the stuff of dreams. If you’re coming up to renewal on your existing policy or you are looking for new...
Top 10 Tips for Maintaining Your Electric Vehicle
If you drive an EV then our Top 10 Tips For Maintaining Your Electric Vehicle is for you! Did you know that by the end of August 2023, there were approximately 850,000 fully electric vehicles...